Solarex ICO
Project Aims To Provide Cheap Electricity For The Most Underdeveloped Countries

Solarex ( ) is a new project of its founder, Oti Edema, and his team. We are facing a cryptocurrency project that is currently in the pre-ICO phase, launching a sales campaign that works really well.
We have projects aimed at providing cheap electricity to the least developed countries (especially in Africa and the Middle East), supporting their projects in the durability and benefits offered by the blockchain.
As we all see today, having a stable source of electrical energy is a basic need in the world; and more specifically, in both developed and developed countries, this need continues to grow, making more and more electric power demanded worldwide.
In line with these other issues are generated, and that for the creation of this electrical energy, fossil fuels such as oil and / or highly pollution (such as nuclear power plants) are used, which results in serious environmental problems.
In the human field; as we know, in Africa, people who do not have access to a constant, stable and economically inexpensive power source, economically drown the possibilities of these countries.
Solarex ( ) aims to transform that fateful flaw finally, create a project to generate energy through a photoelectric solar power plant and distribute it to homes and businesses, using criptomonedas and the use of IOT (Internet things) theory.

To take your road map into account, if you are a future investor or now, as we have seen the previous developments are very clear. As we have told you, there is currently pre-sale with some very attractive price tags and bonuses for investment.

The Solarex project aims to help all places in Árfica, because the project is based on the construction of photovoltaic solar plants outside the state power grid, in urban, semi-urban and rural areas; and in areas devoted to clusters to improve certain geographical areas. In addition, Soalrex will offer a variety of product packages to its customers, including access to the Complete Solar Package through direct purchase or purchase through the Solar Package rental. This service is already in great demand in Africa and the Middle East, due to the tremendous energy deficit experienced by these countries.
In the most technical part, we can say that Solarex will base its project on the Ethereum network, that is, its SRX token will become an ERC20 token. This means that we have projects that will run on a highly used, stable, and secure network, and also, when we find the ERC20 token, it will be easily collected in the best known cryptocurrency purses, such as, for example, in MyEtherwallet or metamask, just to name a few. This token will be used specifically as a means of payment for energy purchase transactions and integrated tariff payments across Africa.
In conclusion, Solarex is a project that works on blockchain whose goal is to solve the energy crisis in Africa and the Middle East, as well as in other parts of the world that are plagued by a lack of stable electrical energy sources. For this, it will use renewable energy, such as photovoltaic plants, which will benefit the ecosystem of the area where it operates.
Solarex will be the largest supplier of blockchain based energy in Africa, managing to offer affordable and affordable power for all, setting different goals depending on the demands of each country.
Regarding the most relevant data from your ICO (Initial Coins Offer), we may promote the following:

Solarex ICO will have several stages of purchase, where bonuses in token prices will drop progressively, benefiting the first buyer. Investors can make payments via bitcoin, ethereum and / or litecoin. If you want to invest, because it is a good time, and they have also reached the half way to the soft-stamp, making it a potential step from ICO to get their seed stage.
Token Name: SRX.
Token Type: Standard ERC20.
There will be a maximum of 2,400 million tokens, of which 1,800 million tokens will be sold.
It has a soft-stamp of just 5 million dollars, which seems to be achievable given the nature of the product.
Hardcap: 120 million dollars.
Token Distribution Structure
The SRX Utility Token will be the sole mover of all transactions within the Solarex Ecosystem. Thus, Solarex Ecosystem will in time become a household name. Our business strategy will ultimately position the Solarex Utility Token (SRX) to become an ongoing cryptocurrency that will only grow in value. The plan is in an advanced stage to launch Solarex Tokens (SRX) on 3 different exchanges. Token will be available for trading on this exchange like any other crypto currency.
Use of Funds
Funds realized from the distribution of Solarex Utility Tokens will be used to build the Solarex Ecosystem that will POWER Africa.
For More Information please Click below:
Twitter: https: // twitter. com / Solarex_ICO
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