Jumat, 29 Juni 2018




Halo Blogger .. 
Sepertinya hari ini sangat sulit untuk mencari pekerjaan, karena kemajuan teknologi yang cepat membuat semua orang harus dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan beberapa kategori pekerjaan yang ada. 
Yah, saya ingin berbagi informasi tentang teknologi yang mengatur para pekerja, mari kita lanjutkan ..
Saat ini, Ada masalah-masalah tertentu yang bahkan harus dihadapi oleh pencari kerja dalam sistem perekrutan tradisional, masalah-masalah utama adalah bertahan dalam bisnis perekrutan. Pertama, sangat sulit untuk menemukan pekerja yang baik karena perusahaan tidak selalu dapat mengaksesnya dengan sempurna. Kedua, rekrutmen adalah biaya proses yang mahal.
Sebuah organisasi harus mengeluarkan biaya 8.000 dolar untuk menyewa seorang pekerja pada pekerjaan tingkat menengah. Masalah ketiga adalah kesulitan dalam menilai kandidat. Seseorang tidak dapat menilai profesionalisme calon tertentu atas dasar data yang diberikan oleh dia. 
Aworker adalah platform rekrutmen berdasarkan teknologi Blockchain. Platform ini telah dibuat untuk mengganggu pasar yang ada untuk rekrutmen yang memiliki volume $ 429 miliar pada tahun 2016. Aworker akan membantu orang-orang dalam menemukan pekerjaan yang baik melalui penggunaan Ethereum Blockchain dan token KERJAnya. Selain itu, ini akan membantu perusahaan untuk menemukan kandidat yang cocok untuk mengisi posisi kerja yang kosong. 
Ada beberapa kesulitan besar di FFI dalam proses perekrutan dan pencarian kerja:
1. Sulit untuk mempekerjakan karyawan yang baik.
2. Pada kesulitan FFI dalam menilai kandidat.
3. Biaya tinggi untuk perekrutan.
4. Pekerja mengalami kesulitan mencari pekerjaan yang baik. 
5. Perusahaan menggunakan data tentang keterampilan profesional orang secara gratis. 
Aplikasi untuk perusahaan
1. Akan menyediakan akses ke database karyawan yang andal (penilaian, keterampilan terverifikasi, penilaian kompetensi profesional, umpan balik)
2. Akan mengotomatiskan pekerjaan rutin saat menyewa;
3.It akan mungkin untuk menemukan karyawan baru di app. 
Bahkan mereka kandidat yang cerdas dan berpengalaman tetapi tidak menerima tawaran karena banyaknya aplikasi yang diterima oleh perekrut, dan kemudian ada perusahaan tertentu yang memanfaatkan keterampilan dan kemampuan profesional dari orang-orang secara gratis. Informasi tersebut termasuk data yang dibagikan oleh mereka di situs web media sosial, seperti Facebook dan Linkedin. 
Organisasi akan diberikan aplikasi untuk merekrut serta berkomunikasi dengan kandidat. Lowongan dapat dibuat di perusahaan oleh manajer sumber daya manusia melalui penggunaan kontrak pintar. Kontrak cerdas juga digunakan untuk memverifikasi informasi yang diperlukan tentang kandidat di dalam jaringan Blockchain.
Manajer SDM dapat memeriksa kompetensi, keterampilan, dan proyek yang telah selesai. Platform ini ingin menciptakan tempat di mana orang menerima penghargaan atas pencapaian, kemampuan, dan keterampilan mereka di tempat kerja. Penggunaan Blockchain akan menawarkan rincian yang lebih tepercaya tentang kandidat, yang tidak disediakan di perusahaan tradisional saat ini. 
Desentralisasi dan Blockchain akan memungkinkan karyawan untuk memiliki peluang berikut: 
Pekerjaan Pasar: Seorang karyawan akan memiliki kesempatan untuk merekomendasikan lowongan untuk teman-teman mendapatkan hadiah untuk rekomendasi yang sukses (mendapatkan pekerjaan atau pergi ke wawancara). Lihat paragraf 3.3 untuk detailnya. 
Verifikasi Keahlian Sistem: Seorang karyawan akan memiliki kesempatan untuk menambahkan keterampilan profesional yang dimilikinya dan mendapatkan imbalan atas keterampilan yang telah dikonfirmasi.
Rating: Seorang karyawan akan memiliki kesempatan untuk dinilai oleh sistem independen untuk spesialis dan mendapatkan hadiah sebagai spesialis terbaik di negara ini. Lihat paragraf 3.5 untuk detailnya. 
Khusus untuk А-List: Seorang karyawan akan memiliki akses ke off khusus dari mitra. Kami ingin menciptakan ekosistem yang mampu memberikan karyawan peluang yang lebih baik untuk pengembangan pribadi. 
Seorang pekerjaPlatform telah dikembangkan untuk memberikan kesempatan kerja yang lebih luas kepada orang-orang. Selain itu, mereka akan memberikan bantuan kepada perusahaan dalam meminimalkan biaya mereka untuk merekrut dan memilih kandidat terbaik. Platform ini memanfaatkan teknologi Blockchain untuk menghasilkan platform peer to peer untuk perekrutan kandidat. Melalui dukungan kontrak cerdas, itu menjadi lebih mudah untuk mengubah norma rekrutmen. Ini juga bertujuan untuk menciptakan sistem reputasi yang akan memeriksa kualifikasi kandidat ahli.
Platform Aworker memanfaatkan token WORK. Token BEKERJA ini dikaitkan dengan perekrutan karyawan dalam suatu organisasi. Perusahaan harus menggunakan token ini untuk mencari dan mempekerjakan karyawan. Ada batas maksimum yang dikenakan pada ketersediaan token WORK. Perusahaan dapat membeli token BEKERJA ini di platform bursa saham. 
Menjual Token 
Penjualan Aworker token (WORK) untuk mendukung dan mengembangkan ekosistem Aworker akan dilakukan dengan bantuan kontrak cerdas di blockchain Ethereum. Peserta yang ingin mendukung proyek ini akan dapat membeli token WORK untuk ETH. Jumlah token kerja terbatas.
Pra-ICO: Token Sale # 1, Token Sale # 2, Token Sale # 3. 
ICO: Token Sale # 4. 
• Mempublikasikan dan menjual token WORK akan dilakukan menggunakan kontrak cerdas Ethereum.
• Peserta yang ingin mendukung pengembangan proyek Aworker akan dapat mengirim ETH ke alamat yang tercantum di situs web aworker.io atau di grup proyek FFI resmi.
• Mata uang yang diterima: ETH, BTC.
• Anggota tim Token akan diblokir selama 1 tahun pada kontrak cerdas Ethereum.
• Jumlah token yang tersedia terbatas (Hard Cap). Jika penjualan token akan mencapai batas ini, token release akan dihentikan. Hard Cap sama dengan 24,770 ETH.
• Token Sale # 4 akan bertahan 31 hari, jika sebelumnya tidak mencapai hard Cap.
• Token yang tidak akan dijual dalam penjualan token, akan secara otomatis dibakar.
• Token dibeli di semua tahap, akan tersedia untuk kontributor setelah 2 minggu di akhir Penjualan Token # 4. 
Pekerja Tim
Anton Cherkasov, CEO & Co-founder
Michail Doshevskii, CTO & Co-founder
Sergey Streltsov, CMO
Mikhail Barkov, Direktur Sumber Daya Manusia
Svetlana Fomenkova, Direktur Pengembangan
Roman Ivantsov, Arsitek
Evgeny Petukhov, backend Pengembang
Alexander Zachinalov, pengembang front-end
Pavel Levkovich, Memimpin proyek
Serafima Aleksandrova, PR Manager
Vasily Kuznetsov, Penasihat
Denis Polulyakhov, Penasihat 
Kunjungi Tautan Di Bawah Ini:
Twitter: @aworkerio
Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1929500

Kamis, 28 Juni 2018


Hello everyone, If you're interested in joining the Mozo project, it's a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in viewing their mission vision:

About MOZO

Retail business is currently greatly reduced in the sales field. this is influenced by many factors associated in it so that the chain of sales in the retail business, especially those moving with the physical store sales is very affected by the impact of the movement of ecommerce business. 

mozo project is a project that runs in the retail business covering an ecommerce area where mozo project offers solutions for retailers to easily locate and market their products at physical stores or online promotions, online promotion offered by mojo project is very simple but has an impact which is very large for retail entrepreneurs where in the promotion of mojo projects retail entrepreneurs can easily promote their products or stores to prospective buyers by giving some tokens or tokens to buyers or visitors, this idea does sound very alien and impossible but with a promotion like this the retai business actor will easily attract customers who are visiting the shopping area or in the area where the promotion is done.

We have seen some promotional techniques in the business world today are outdated, we need the latest way or the latest techniques in attracting buyers. things like this are very rarely noticed by everyone, especially by the sellers. leave the old ways that have no potential in attracting customers and buyers. 

Then why MOZO is connected with blockchain? this is done so that mozo can be directly in contact with the buyers. by giving a Mozo token based on a promotion or providing a shopping voucher in the form of a mozo token will be instantly effective in product sales. the use of an interconnected mozo token in a business or shopping area will be able to attract buyers to visit in various shopping areas because the mozo token interconnections will spoil the buyers within the area. on several occasions mozo project has been working with several shopping centers in some countries to mozo tokens can be directly applied to the shopping center in the future.

How Does Mozo Work?

Mozo works by using a “smart contract” which is tied to retail activities. This smart contract is established between the retailer’s smartphone or IoT device (such as a Beacon) and the consumer’s smartphone as they detect each other’s device. The consumer’s smartphone and retailer’s smartphone can accept and process a transaction under consumer’s command. In other words, the Mozo contract is a user-generated transaction that transfers control commands between user-device, user-user, or user-system. Hence, we create a smart contract where the object of the smart contract is to process the transaction on the blockchain network.


Mozo Blueprint

blueprint scheme describes the application of Mozo software and blockchain with field tests at both the shopping malls and individual retail stores

Blockchain: Solo & Ethereum
Initially, Project Mozo will use the Ethereum blockchain network to support our transactions, and then switch to Solo when it becomes available. Our proprietary technology Solo is a new DAG type blockchain network that is designed to support peer-to-peer micropayment transactions (Retail, IoT, Microlending, Cybersecurity etc.). In the Solo blockchain network, each transaction initiated by a sending user is approved by the destination user and only the destination user itself, hence the name Solo.

Mozo Token

A Mozo Token is an ERC-20 utility token, operating on the Ethereum Blockchain network. Mozo Tokens will be used by stores and venue operators to reward customers who in turn will collect and redeem them for deals, discounts, and products. There will be a total supply cap of 5 billion Mozo Tokens, without any further issuance or creation of Mozo Tokens in the future.

Token Distribution


Mozo – Token of Discovery

Consumers can earn, buy, and redeem Mozo tokens by: walking into a physical store; “zapping” to discover product details; or purchasing products at the store.

the use of dynamic Mozo tokens will make it easier for users to get discounted prices, promotional prices or get free mozo tokens, users can also easily purchase Mozo tokens via exchange sites or exchange with ETH on the Mozo platform this is can be done so that every user of Mozo token or Mozo platform can enjoy the convenience of shopping and enjoy any kind of promotion inside.


To attract customers today requires a revolutionary way, today’s retail trade competition is so frustrating the sellers, the use of ecommerce applications adds to the complexity of the retail business world. this is one of the elements that make shopping malls or shops empty of visitors. the Mozo project is very revolutionary in aiming at the trading ecosystem that will benefit both sides between buyers and sellers. 

a form of promotion for retail business actors will make an interest in direct sales rising rapidly compared to recent times. control of blockchain will immediately be perceived easy transactions by the users. The Mojo project is phenomenal to provide a definite step for retail entrepreneurs worldwide, with this business method token Mozo will provide a good overall ecosystem for various parties inside.

You can find out more about the platform or participate in their sales crowd through the following links:


Link:   https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1929500




What is eCoinomic?

eCoinomic is a financial services platform based on crypto assets. It provides its users with loan functions, exchanges, transfers, financial management and integrated with online payment services and systems.

The first service on the eCoinomic platform is a solution from 2018! Fiat loans are supported by crypto assets. This service is able to provide high-speed transaction and return on investment, 100% fulfillment of credit obligations, transparency, and transaction legality. Solutions for small and large creditors who want to work with crypto owners are here!

. Loan

Guaranteed and unsecured loans on banknotes and cryptocurrency.

. Invest

Short-term and short-term investments in cryptocurrency and paper money.

. Hedging

Risk level hedging mechanism for crypto assets.

. Crypto Exchange

Includes the functions of managing collateral assets.

. Crypto payment

Payment agent with virtual card issuance. Integration with the largest trading platforms (such as eBay and Amazon).

eCoinomic is developed using integrated systems and integrated resources that support the creation of better financial ecosystems. eCoinomic using Blockchain technology as the foundation of the Platform, using this eCoinomic technology will bring better financial services to Crypto Holders around the world. eCoinomic provides financial services that will provide management users associated with their digital assets. eCoinomic provides lending, investment, hedging, exchange, and crypto payment services, which are fully integrated into one reliable and intelligent platform. eCoinomic is developed by a team of experienced and professionals in the field, who see that the financial market today has many loopholes. eCoinomic provides a secure lending system based on cryptocurrency. eCoinomic provides better access to users' investments in the long run or short. eCoinomic also integrates directly into services like eBay and Amazon, enabling users to be able to pay directly using the eCoinomic payment line. Every user-initiated transaction will be based on a CNC token, which can be used by the user to transact or invest directly in a long or short period of time. This token uses an ERC 20 system, based on Ethereum Blockchain. eCoinomic can be a short-term credit solution for startup that requires a cash injection or short-term or short-term investment. eCoinomic has a solution related to the use of muticurrency. eCoinomic receives more than 10 types of cryptocurrency and supports conventional currency for loans. eCoinomic uses an intelligent contract system, which will govern every transaction performed by the user.

How it works

You sign a full contract with the platform, through all necessary procedures such as KYC, AML. Then you make a fiat deposit, specify loan conditions such as interest rates and terms.

eCoinomic handles everything else: finding customers, setting up transactions, making transfers, controlling the amount of loan payments and their timeliness. The smart contract arranges the alteration of the cryptocurrency rate to the loan. Thanks to the constant monitoring of multiple exchanges, in case of depreciation of the crypto assets, your client is given the opportunity to buy back asset backed up before the schedule or for partial repayment of the loan. At the end of the period, you get a deposit with interest.


. For the owner of crypto

1. who buys cryptocurrency as an average and long-term investment expecting high growth rates.

2. who receives crypto assets as payment of goods and services.

3. startups and funds that require short-term fiat funds.

. For investors

1. Private sector investors that allocate monetary resources for revenue generation purposes.

2. Institutional investors interested in high profitability and low risk instruments.

Why Choose Blockchain

Blockchain is a permanent public ledger that records digital transactions. This technology was first introduced by anonymous individuals under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and has since revolutionized the way we conduct currency transactions worldwide. Blockchain allows trust to be distributed across the network, without the need for central authorities to track, verify and approve digital exchange of values. It operates as a decentralized distributed database, maintaining a growing list of notes divided into blocks. Legacy will leverage this technology to decentralize and place its trust in its users. Blockchain is a fairly new technology and is still in active development, improvements continue to happen, and have become more efficient and secure than traditional ancient systems, which is why banks, governments, and other institutions are adopting technology. Blockchain combines the concept of peer-to-peer networks, asymmetric cryptography, decentralized computing and smart contracting into new technology platforms. In short, blockchains are distributed peer-to-peer systems that implement general ledger append-only transactions without trust.


eCoinomic Token (CNC) is an ERC20 utility token, based on the Ethereum blockchain. The purpose of the CNC token is to pay the service charge on the eCoinomic digital platform.

To assess the ability of the platform, users must undergo a simple registration process. Then, in the newly created personal account, the user must add a CNC token to the balance to gain access to the selected service. Personal account balances can be refilled in two ways: by transferring a CNC token previously purchased during a Token Sale and on a crypto exchange or by purchasing a fixed price CNC token on the eCoinomic platform. Not the market price, this is the cost of the system inside the token. The CNC token price on the platform is set on the basis of economic viability and covers all costs associated with maintaining project integrity, development and promotion.

Details of token sales

- Hard Cap: USD 1,000,000,000

- Soft Cap: USD 6,000,000

- Total Token Supply: Up to 7,000,000,000

- Token Available for Sale Token: 5,150,000,000

- Excluded countries: United States (except for accredited investors), Singapore (except for accredited investors), People's Republic of China.

- Currency received: ETH, BTC, XRP, BCH, LTC, NEO, XMR, ZEC

- Pre-Sale Whitelist registration begins: 15.03.2018

- Pre-Sale Whitelist Registration ends: 03.04.2018


- The Pre-Sales Development stage begins: 03.04.2018
- The Pre-Sales Development Stage ends: 21.04.2018

- The Crowdsale Development Stage begins: 01.05.2018
- The Crowdsale Development Stage ends: 01.06.2018

- Backup Stage begins: 01.06.2018
- Backup Stage ends: 01.08.2018



In conclusion

eCoinomic believes that with a strong and reliable team and system eCoinomic can provide Users, secure and transparent financial services, and provide users with a variety of benefits and conveniences in their respective financial activities. The team also believes that with systematic and professional development, the Team can build a better platform than similar platforms.

More information click the link below:

Situs web: http://www.ecoinomic.net/
Whitepaper: https://ecoinomic.net/docs/whitepaper
Telegram official chanel: https: / /telegram.me/eCoinomicchannel
Telegram grup resmi: https://telegram.me/eCoinomicchatroom
Twitter resmi: https://twitter.com/Ecoinomicnet
Facebook resmi: https://twitter.com/Ecoinomicnet

JN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2878954
Link:   https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1929500



hallo it all, surely most of you who open this thread, because interested after reading the title of this thread ..

and instantly for those of you who are interested to listen to a handful of my article writing about SGame Pro will me reviews ranging from ideas, to the vision and mission of the SGame Pro follows:

Unity Technologies released the latest report on the development of the global mobile gaming market throughout 2016. Through a report of Unity's work with the analytics firm SuperData, it found that revenue of the global mobile gaming industry has reached US $ 40.6 billion (approximately Rp541 trillion) in 2016.

The report shows a fifteen percent increase over the previous year's achievement that touched US $ 34.8 billion (about Rp480 trillion). This increase is partly due to the growth in revenue figures from the Android platform, which has increased to 32 percent over the previous year.
Mobile as the largest source of gaming revenue has paved the way for a new array of business models and integrated payment solutions ranging from subscriptions fee, pay-per-play, in-app purchase (IAP), royalty to premium account, upgrade remunerations and - most importantly - advertising in app (ADV).

Within this framework the free-to-play mode, with revenue derived from ADV and the sale of digital goods, has emerged as the dominant model. Supercell, the maker of mobile games Clash Royale and Clash of Clans, generated $2.3 billion in sales in 2016, all coming from Players purchasing digital goods to compete with each other.
The online gaming industry is changing, revolutionising, evolving at a rapid rate; a crazy rate in fact thanks to the incorporation of totally ingenious blockchain technology. With Sgame Pro™, for instance, the idea is to play your top games, mine tokens, earn real money and be rewarded for your gaming efforts thanks to the innovative and undoubtedly smart Proof-of-Play protocol.

That’s right; blockchain has taken gaming to a whole new level so exciting that Sgame Pro has partnered up with Pewdiepie — game commentator and #1 YouTuber in the world.

Sgame Pro is a game aggregator and community where Players are rewarded in SGM by:
• Playing iOS and Android mobile games from the world’s best Publishers
• Challenging other Players
• Streaming their Challenges to millions of Players
• Taking part in targeted actions via a personalized Offer Wall

Players will be able to use SGM to redeem a large number of digital and physical goods on the internal Sgame Pro marketplace (hereinafter “Sgame Marketplace”) and on Publishers’ digital stores. In addition, Players will be able to transfer SGM from their internal Sgame Pro wallet (the “SWallet”) to their external ERC-20 compatible wallet (the “Personal Wallet”).

Building on the success of Sgame Pro’s Alpha version that rapidly achieved 50,000 users in 2017 with no marketing spend, a Beta version of the Sgame Pro Platform will be released in May 2018, with an extensive new features roadmap over the course of 2018.

We enable players to be rewarded with our newly issued utility crypto-token SGM while simply playing the world’s most popular mobile games. SGM will be the only way to access and benefit from the Sgame Pro Platform and the sole settlement method for all transactions within the Sgame Pro ecosystem.

Under development since August 2016, Sgame Pro successfully launched its Alpha version in 2017 achieving over 50,000 downloads with no marketing spend. Our entire focus is on the rapidly growing mobile gaming industry and we have developed several technical innovations in favor of Players, Publishers, Merchants and Influencers.

Our platform aggregates the fragmented sector of independent and major game Publishers into a one-stop-shop gaming platform where Players will have the opportunity to challenge others in games that were previously only single player. This innovation is truly disruptive given that 78% of the mobile gaming market is single player while most of the revenues stem from multiplayer games.

a. Transaction Model
The SGM token economy is centered around a continuous circulation of tokens between Sgame Pro and the ecosystem’s participants aiming at a highly liquid token. Its architecture is built in a hybrid manner whereby SGM flow inside the Platform is OffChain so that the actual Ethereum network’s limitations (i.e. confirmation times, congestion, transaction costs) do not impede the Platform’s day-to-day functioning.

All SGM rewarded to Players will be deposited to the Player’s internal SWallet on Sgame Pro. Players will be able to immediately use SGM from their SWallet to perform all the Sgame Pro ecosystem transactions at no costs or wait times. The Player has full control over when SGM are transferred from his SWallet to his personal ERC-20 compatible wallet.

b. Proof of play
One of Sgame Pro’s major technical innovations is the advent of the Proof of Play protocol. Proof of Play is the mechanism by which Sgame Pro determines consensus as to whether enough ‘play’ has been performed to mine a “Play-Block”, releasing the associated SGM block reward to the Player. This works similarly to Proof of Work where computational effort by miners is rewarded.Play-Blocks are defined as a set of actions that, if completed, generate a block reward in SGM. Play-Blocks vary by level, which determines the amount of ‘play’ required and the size of the SGM block reward. Initially there will be two types of actions in a Play-Block: Time Actions and Offer Wall Actions. Sgame Pro determines the value of Play-Blocks, which may fluctuate over time, but the Player will always know the SGM block reward size in advance.

c. Liquidity Reserve
We will maintain an SGM liquidity reserve to manage outflows/inflows to/from Sgame Pro participants, which are expected to grow inline with the number of Players. This SGM Reserve will initially be equal to 23.7% of the SGM Total Supply, and Sgame Pro will aim to maintain it at least at 10% during its normal course of business, buying back SGM on exchanges as and when needed.Sgame Pro will maintain full control over the amount of SGM rewarded through Proof of Play, and will make this information available in the app to each Player. The Play-Block reward amounts in SGM will be adjusted periodically to reflect the underlying SGM token’s price fluctuations, aiming to ensure a near constant value of Player earnings in Fiat.

For Players
Our core mission is to provide Players with an unparalleled user experience where they can play their favorite games while seamlessly ”mining” SGM tokens. Players are engaged in entirely new ways as they are rewarded for Live streaming their gaming. Players will be able to use SGM to challenge each other, to redeem a large number of digital and physical goods on the internal Sgame Pro marketplace and on Publishers’ digital stores. Players will be able to transfer SGM from their internal Swallet to their external ERC-20 compatible wallet at any time.

For Publishers
We offer Publishers an entirely new revenue stream by sharing with them the Challenges’ fees. To put this into context, in 2017 over 800 billion Challenges were played in multiplayer games. In addition, Publishers have a simple and innovative way to promote games: they have the option to reward Players with bonus payments in SGM, provide special rewards in Challenges as well as directly involve Sgame Pro’s Influencers. This is an unparalleled access to key Influencers such as Pewdiepie (60 millions followers), giving Publishers free global marketing.

For Influencers
We allow Influencers to monetize their followers through a referral system which generates an ongoing revenue stream for every lead, regardless of whether the lead remains an Influencer’s follower in the long term. Every referral will be rewarded with part of the SGM earned by the newly introduced Player, without time limits and regardless of whether the Player remains a follower or not. The reward to influencers is paid directly by Sgame Pro and not subtracted from the Player introduced.

For Merchants
We provide Merchants with unprecedented economies of scale and offers the total reach of multiple Publishers all at once, generating comprehensive high quality user data through Player engagement on the Platform. Player profiles will be cross-game, providing significantly more granular Player targeting capabilities. Sgame Pro provides an easy and cost effective way for Merchants to promote their products online through the Marketplace and Special Offers sections.

  • Issuer: Sgame Sa (Swiss Based)
  • Symbol: SGM
  • Type: ERC20
  • Main Sale: June 2018
  • Price in Chf: 10d before Main Sale
  • Exchange Rate ETH/CHF:24h prior Main Sale
  • Currency: ETH
  • KYC: Required
  • Total Supply: 350,000,000
  • Private Sale: 139,500,000
  • Main Sale: 55,000,000
  • SGM Liquidity Reserve: 83,000,000
  • Kept by Issuer: 51,000,000
  • Advisors & Founders: 15,000,000
  • Bounties & Airdrops: 6,500,000
Bonus -
Total Supply Token 350,000,000 SGM

Giampietro Cutrino | Founder & CEO
Former Italian TV showman, for the last 8 years Gip has been an entrepreneur in the world
of mobile gaming. He is an expert team leader and a creative marketer, having collaborated
with many leading brands in the digital world.

Nicola Rizzo | Co-Founder & CFO
A law graduate, he has financed the project from the onset. Nicola is an entrepreneur
combining management consulting experience with decades of experience as a serial

Natale Ferrara | Co-Founder
Founder of Eidoo, Co-Founder of Cryptopolis and CFO of Digital Identity, Natale Ferrara
has skills in business strategy, project management, business development, M&A and he
has vast experience in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Luca Carrozza - MD OPS
MarTech vet, 12ys in Fullsix Group, Eu pioneer in digital marketing, as PMO lead, business
manager, client director; last 5ys building and leading IPG Group's adv tech divisions:
Reprise, search & social, and Cadreon, programmatic adv & data management.

Dragan Bozic | MD Marketing
Dragan has a a strategic digital and tech background mixed with strong business development
skills. He helps to create a culture of change within the business, providing creativity,
analytical thinking and advanced data analysis.

Francesco Ongaro | CTO
Sec urity expert and Hacker, he’s specialized in Network and Web Application Penetration
Tests. He performed technical activities for many of the most exposed customers in the
private and public infrastructure, finance, banking, insurance and media fields.

Domenico Ferrari | VP of Engineering
Combining strong project management skills with deep technical abilities, Domenico's
ability to optimize the software development processes has led him to be responsible for
the development of the Platform.

Ale Menegotti | Games Dev Manager
An awarded computer scientist, he has led for many years a succesful global game
company. With a result-oriented approach, he is sensible to the many needs of a digital
product and very passionate about the ever-changing development scenario.

Andrea Sala | Community & Marketing Manager
BA in Psychology with an emphasis on consumers psychology and buying behavior, quantitative
research and organizational management. Passionate about challenging
business ideas, technology, startups, fintech, management, blockchain and new media.

Igor Pezzilli | Business Strategy
Co-founder of the Lazada Group, senior consultant at Bain & Company in Zurich, he his
highly skilled in business strategy and business planning, as well as in business and
corporate development, management and private equity.

Roman Hammerl | Finance
CFO in Kickrs.net and executive for Morgan Stanley, Roman Hammerl graduated at the
Vienna University of Economics and Business and at the Red McCombs School of
Business in Austin. He is specialized in equities, capital markets and hedge funds.

Raphael Galante | Gaming
Founder and CEO of Digital Bros and of 505 Games, he has more than 20 years of experience
in the mobile gaming and console sector. Digital Bros, together with the 505 Games
and Halifax brands, ranks the top 10 global game publishers.

Robert Taylor | Crypto Expert
Co-founder and CTO of capital markets fintech Origin, Robert has been involved in the
cryptocurrency space for over 5 years. Robert works with a number of crypto projects to
develop their token economies, technical architecture and token sales.

Lars Schlichting | Legal & Tax
Partner of Kellehals-Carrard, Lars Schlichting’s main areas of expertise are the banking
and financial sectors. Since 2016 Lars provides advice in the world of cryptocurrencies
and has participated in several Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

Validity Labs | Smart contract
Validity Labs span multiple areas of blockchain and smart contracts technology managing
in house diverse platforms and skills levels. Equip change agents to utilise blockchain
technology in order to improve how we trade, make contracts and collaborate.

Felix A. U. Kjelberg (Pewdiepie) | Influencer
Felix is the world's most important Youtuber with over 60 million followers subscribed to
his channel. PewDiePie has also appeared in a number of other medias, such as radio and
TV. He is currently the official figurehead for the launch of the Platform.

Ignacio Sepulveda | Tweakbox CEO
Currently CEO of Tweakbox (10mm users) with great experience in the software sector.
Expert in marketing strategies, user interfaces design and project planning. He is graduated
at the Brains International School of Alcobendas.

Francesco Imbesi | Bit Walk
Founder of Bit Walk, Francesco built a Company that reached millions of active users in
less then 1 year involving major artists such as: Massive Attack, Oasis, Blur, Ewan McGregor,
Willem Defoe and Marina Abramovic.

Marzia Bisognin | Influencer
Marzia is an Italian internet personality who is also involved in writing, fashion design, and
business. Her channel currently has over 7 million subscribers, making it the most
subscribed channel in Italy

This is my personal review, and i recomend just invest in this project man, look the Partner is "Pewdiepie",The Number 1 Youtuber in the World.

Website : https://sgamepro.io/
Whitepaper : https://sgamepro.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Sgame_Pro-White_Paper-v1.73.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/sgame_official?lang=en
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sgamepro.io/
Telegram : https://t.me/sgamepro
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/sgamepro/
Link:   https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1929500

Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

Coin Tycoon

Coin Tycoon 

loans with no hidden fees, without a closed contract, with the best interest rates



Most companies do their ICO, but because of low quality marketing, demand for coins is suffering and investors are losing out. Permanent marketing is required to maintain demand and, therefore, token prices. The people who stand behind ICO should have a clear and specific plan to help their investors.

Tycoon coin – a coin that grows forever at the price of a coin

TycoonCoin, token, abbreviation – TTC, different from the conventional high activity kriptokotokenov on the market, personal Project headliners will participate in the auction, thereby increasing the value of the coin.
The same will be done by others. The result of this will be an auction between TYCOON LIMITED and your TycoonCoin token market, and you will be black, according to the developer.
How do people want to get out of the gray masses of other tokens?
  • First, Tycoon’s coin team is doing constant marketing, creating the ideal background for the project.
  • Second, project leaders have allocated their personal funds to support sustainable project marketing.
  • Marketing focuses only on the digital environment, the company has the best digital marketing, which plays a key role in making the right direction when it comes to marketing strategies.
The second method is the most important method that TycooCoin runs. 95% of the revenue earned by IGA (Income Generating Activity), goes straight to buy tokens from their total sales and “arsons”.
TycoonCoin massively purchases tokens from you, and then burns tokens. This reduces the total number of tokens and encourages rapid price increases. Reducing token delivery results in a deficiency which, in turn, helps all tokens become PROFIT.

How are the revenues being spent?)

In the graph below, the coin tycoon command shows the income distribution associated with the revenue (IGA). 
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Revenue from repurchasing their own coins will bring in more than 90% of revenue!
Coin Tycoon team issued a loan with no hidden fees, without a closed contract, with the best interest rate, you can get a loan or borrow money from anywhere in the world. 
You can borrow more than 60% of your depots.
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People have a really cool site where you can find all the necessary information.If  
you can not find anything you can contact 24/7 project support, for communication with a specialist you can write a project letter info@tycooncoin.io or fill out the Form at  https://tycooncoin.io/#contact  .  


Also follow the links below and subscribe to project channels on social networks:

Company website:  https://tycooncoin.io/#
Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1929500