Minggu, 21 Agustus 2022


 The PMXX Platform uses the Polygon blockchain to create smart contracts that will be used to lease properties and manage them.

 DuDe Coin is a new cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, DuDe Coin is not controlled by any central authority. Instead, it is PEOPLE'S MONEY that the crowd supports. DuDe Coin also differs from other cryptocurrencies in that it uses a unique algorithm that makes it more difficult to mine. As a result, DuDe Coin is rarer and potentially more valuable than other cryptocurrencies.

DuDe is a non-profit organization that encourages people to donate money to support various causes. The organization was founded in 2006 by two partners, and has since grown to include more than 200 members. DuDe runs various campaigns throughout the year to raise awareness and funds for various charities. The organization also provides training and resources to help people start their own fundraising campaigns. DuDe is committed to helping people make a difference in the world, and has raised millions of dollars for various charitable causes.

DuDe coin is a new cryptocurrency that has several unique features that make it stand out from the rest. It is based on blockchain technology and uses a proof of stake algorithm, which makes it more secure and efficient than other cryptocurrencies. In addition, DuDe coin has very low transaction fees, making it ideal for use in everyday transactions. If you are interested in learning more about the DuDe coin or want to start using it yourself, be sure to check out the website for more information.

What is MetalBacked.Money?

MetalBacked.Money is a decentralized digital asset backed by physical gold and platinum reserves, which means that MBMX is not only an investment, but also a savings account. The goal is to safely improve financial well-being — to be and have a positive impact on the lives of others, helping millions of people shape their financial futures — People's Money.

Why Choose People's Money?

The most empowering thing you can give someone is hope and choice, through public money we give you hope and financial freedom with PMXX, MBMX, DuDe and MoneyWithoutBorders.

I think it's no secret that each of us wants to have a reliable and sure investment tool.

What does the People's Money PMXX project offer us?

With PMXX People's Money, everything is simple! This project has a very simple and clear concept! PMXX People's Money is digital money. In a decentralized network, all actions are performed and controlled by ordinary people, completely excluding third parties. The People's Money Ecosystem is built on the Polygon blockchain, which enables decentralized transactions. All payments are made in a peer-to-peer network. No third party is required to act as an intermediary. MBMX is your ATM and payment system! Every completed transaction is processed, confirmed and protected by the Polygon network. In addition, only 10 million PMXX tokens will be minted. This limited stock ensures that it cannot be overstated!

Now in our reality, most financial instruments and investment mechanisms suffer from volatility, and it is important for investors to know about the level of volatility of assets in order to weigh the risk, reliability and profitability of their investments, inflation, gradually diminishing purchasing power of money and “eating” savings, regulation in excess, all of this, as a result, increases income inequality.

You can talk about it for a long time, or you can move on to a new project that I want to tell you about.

This is people's money! This project provides you with a safe and predictable way to improve your financial well-being.

PMXX will not only be an investment for you, it will also be your savings account!

The PMXX Metal Backed Money platform runs on the Polygon blockchain technology which enables liquidity, financial leverage and decentralized transactions.

Transactions are peer-to-peer, not involving third parties.

Utilize safe-haven precious metals, Gold and Platinum, as a store of value.

The value is directly related to the price of Gold and Platinum.

Only 10 Million coins will be minted.

Precious metal mineral rights (Texas Mine K-150) are valued at $7.8 billion.

Built-in Stop-Loss Algorithm

You will build your personal well-being, while making a positive impact on disadvantaged children and impoverished mining communities around the world. This project pays great attention to children from poor mining communities. The communities around the mines have suffered from exploitation in the past. Their children worked in the mines, a dangerous practice that robbed them of their childhood. Instead of working in the mines, this project will help children go to school and get an education.

By investing in PMXX, you will be part of the team's effort to provide educational resources for children in this community!

What is DuDe Coin?

DuDe Price is ONLY 0.00077–0.0008 USD.

DuDe will *burn 90% of all DuDe Coins.

DuDe will *burn 10% of your DuDe Coins.

DuDe's growth potential is up 9000% due to tokennomics.

Get 100 USD worth of DuDe Coins — Keep it for 900 days, then sell it for 90,000 USD.

And as always, HAVE FUN while doing it!

*BURN = Burn part of the token supply to increase the value of the coin in the market.

What will get you DuDe Coin?

In a world where influencers outperform S&P 500 CEOs and crypto is breaking record return on investment, wouldn't you rather cash in on trends than suffer the wrath of FOMO?

Yes, we think so too and that's why we created DuDe People's Money!

Having noticed this project early in your journey you have DuDe coins for only 0.00077–0.0008 US dollars, after saving these coins for the nearest year or two you will end the journey being hundreds of thousands of dollars richer!

What you need to know:

1 Trillion DuDe Coins have been issued.

DuDe will *burn 90% of all DuDe coins over the next 900 days, resulting in 10% *burning your own DuDe deposits.

The numbers don't lie and DuDe is up 9000% due to tokennomics. In other words, you will get a great return on your initial $100 investment.

Don't let analysis paralysis cost you another crypto unicorn. Buy $100 DuDe now, hold on for 900 days, and go $90,000 richer!

So come and join us on the PEOPLE side, make money, give back and, above all, have fun doing it!

DuDe transactions are truly peer-to-peer, putting as much money as possible back in your pocket and into the pockets of our charity partners by eliminating the need for third party intermediaries.

DuDe is run on the cutting-edge Polygon blockchain technology which means you can make transactions faster at much lower gas costs. This is a win-win!

Earn your share by buying DuDe with ETH or USDC. Buy with USDC as an investment or buy with ETH to reach our charity partners with much needed (and appreciated) funds.

What you need to know:

1 Trillion DuDe Coins have been issued.

DuDe will *burn 90% of all DuDe coins over the next 900 days, resulting in 10% *burning your own DuDe deposits.

The numbers don't lie and DuDe is up 9000% due to tokennomics. In other words, you will get a great return on your initial $100 investment.

Don't let analysis paralysis cost you another crypto unicorn. Buy $100 DuDe now, hold on for 900 days, and go $90,000 richer!

So come and join us on the PEOPLE side, make money, give back and, above all, have fun doing it!

DuDe transactions are truly peer-to-peer, putting as much money as possible back in your pocket and into the pockets of our charity partners by eliminating the need for third party intermediaries.

DuDe is run on the cutting-edge Polygon blockchain technology which means you can make transactions faster at much lower gas costs. This is a win-win!

Earn your share by buying DuDe with ETH or USDC. Buy with USDC as an investment or buy with ETH to reach our charity partners with much needed (and appreciated) funds.

You have two options (pairs) to buy:

1.) USDC/DuDe as investment.

2.) ETH/DuDe, and the funds will go directly to the charity.

You can BUY DuDe coins on CoinStore.

You can BUY DuDe coins on UniSwap.


PMXX People's Money Amount.

The total supply of PMXX is 10,000,000 tokens.

The total supply is distributed through different token exchanges to ensure easier trading. All tokens combined will never exceed the total limit of 10 Million PMXX.

Why Choose DuDe People's Money?

· DuDe fee is ONLY 0.00077–0.0008 USD.

· DuDe will *burn 90% of all DuDe Coins.

· DuDe will *burn 10% of your DuDe Coins.

· DuDe growth potential up 9000% due to tokennomics.

· Get ​​DuDe Coins worth 100 USD — Keep for 900 days, then sell for 90 000 USD.

· And as always, HAVE FUN while doing it!

*BURN = Burn part of the token supply to increase the value of coins in the market.

· Transactions are peer-to-peer, not involving third parties.

· 1 Trillion (1 000 000 000 000) DuDe Coin has been issued.

· DuDe People's Money is all about helping those who are less fortunate. Buy DuDe with ETH to help the World.

· DuDe People's Money (MetalBacked.money) directly supports Afifi Alaouie and the Charitable Organization MoneyWithoutBorders.club.


Website:    https://metalbacked.money/
Telegram:    https://t.me/MBMX_Universe_chat
Twitter:    https://twitter.com/MetbackedMoney
Instagram:    https://www.instagram.com/metalbacked.money/

Username: cob Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1929500

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2022


 INDDAIS platform that can supply additional hash power to mining farms

 What is Inddais?

Inddais Mining Farms is a world class infrastructure along with a dedicated expert management crew with a wealth of experience in monitoring, heat management, algo steering, maintenance and other critical tasks required to handle high performance mining farms.

INDDAIS is a decentralized automated digital data and asset management system. INDTOKEN seeds can be purchased with any INDX, INDT or ERC-20 tokens. INDTOKEN is the internal currency of INDDAIS. One INDTOKEN entitles the owner to 1 GB of data storage on the decentralized INDDAIS network for one year. The more INDTOKENS you have, the more data you can store on the INDDAIS network.

Inddais has implemented a decentralized crypto vault where we transfer 40% of the total daily mining proceeds apart from generating fields where users can seed their tokens and receive their share of the vault balance. Simply put, buying and seeding Inddais tokens is more like owning a mine or farm without the hassle of running them efficiently. Inddais token in the first place to increase the required capital and increase the size of our mining farm.

Every token you buy will supply additional hash power to our mining farm. For this contribution of yours, we transfer 40% of the total daily mining yield to the dividend vault distributed on the blockchain (dINIS). The only key to gaining access to the funds in the vault is none other than the tokens you hold. All you have to do is sow your tokens at Inddais Farm and continue to harvest crypto yields. The farm calculates your share of the vault balance based on the number of tokens you have seeded on the farm and the number of days you have kept them.

At Inddais, you are fairly rewarded for the effort you put into building a user base by spreading the word. Our unique referral program "Slice" is hardcoded directly into token contracts allowing you to earn 2% of every sale you refer. Slice payments are made at BNB directly to your wallet. Again, slices are not limited to First Purchase, you get paid for Every Purchase.

How does it work?

Farm and vault contracts complement Inddais tokens where token holders are required to seed their tokens on the farm to receive their share of the profits stored in the vault.

Dividend Vault — Contract Inddais Dividend Vault (dINIS) is a place to transfer income generated from our business activities and which is further distributed among INIS token holders

Total Supply & Limits — The total supply of native tokens (dINIS) from the vault contract is one hundred tokens (100 tokens), which represents the percentage of the total used when calculating the user's share of the vault's BNB balance. There are only two holders of DINIS tokens, one is the Owner, and the other is the Farm. Owner transfers all DINIS tokens to Farm before Season Start

Dividend Payment- Whenever the contract receives a transfer request from the Plantation, it multiplies the amount of dINIS requested by the contract's BNB balance and divides it by the total balance of the Garden's dINIS. The contract then transfers the amount of BNB arriving based on this calculation to the Farm. The final beneficiary of the transfer from the vault is the Inddais user who has seeded his token in the Farm and requested to harvest the Proceeds.

Dividend Payment = (BNB Vault X balance of requested dINIS tokens) / dINIS Agriculture balance

Seeding & Harvesting — Users deposit (seeds) INIS tokens on the farm to receive dividend vault tokens (dINIS) as bonus (yield). The vault contract calculates the BNB equivalent value of the dINIS yield based on a set dividend payout formula and transfers the BNB when the user makes a request to withdraw the yield (harvest) from the Farm. The number of INIS tokens seeded by the user, the total seed created by all INIS users, and the duration of the token seed (calculated in seconds) in the farm are factors used to calculate the user's net yield



All sales are handled directly by contract. Optionally you can also Buy or Sell Inddais tokens at the authorized exchanges listed below. Always check the contract address before transacting Inddais on exchanges not showcased here to avoid being scammed.

Add to MetaMaskContract Address




And so we have implemented an alternative buyback mechanism without much confusion about inflation or deflation. Use this facility to sell your 10% shares of Inddais to us immediately. For more information on how it works, please read our whitepaper. You can always use the official exchanges listed below to sell more than 10% of your holdings or to sell tokens purchased from outside sources.

Add to MetaMaskContract Address


Inddais Official Exchange

We continuously strive to list Inddais on the leading exchanges to ensure healthy liquidity flows and steady growth. Below is our official exchange where you can buy or sell Inddais.



And thus, we have included an effective burning function for token holders who wish to give ownership of their Inddais tokens. The compensation displayed for the token burning transaction will be sent to your wallet after the burning is complete. For more information on how the burn function works, please read our whitepaper. You can always use our authorized sale or exchange facility to liquidate your tokens.



Yield farming is an integral part of the Inddais ecosystem where the purpose of purchasing Inddais tokens is met. We have included the dINIS verifiable dividend vault where we will continue to add to the profits generated from our business activities and you get access to the funds in the vault by seeding your Inddais Token. Your share depends on the number of tokens you seed combined with the number of days you didn't touch them.

The concept behind Inddais is as simple as rocket science

We have 3 contracts applied:

1) Token Contract: 0x8a36F19cFb1B9b963A9bf664dd786Cc740EdC5D2

2) Farm Contract: 0xb539c94dAeE4B2916a9D2a702a98FC1af1028779

3) Contract Vault: 0x29030117cd3000172cAdbAc806ACc6eCD0c1F54c

When you BUY INIS and SEED at FARM, you will receive BNB result from VAULT

Your BNB yield depends on the number of tokens you have seeded and their duration. We add BNB to the vault constantly based on mining results from our farms. Since the proceeds are paid as BNB, you do not need to sell your INIS tokens to book your profits. This means that once purchased, you can seed the same token in all seasons and claim your BNB forever.

Everything you need to know about INDDAIS:

1) Our Whitepaper and Handbook

2) Video on How Inddais Works and the Concept Behind It

3) We have passed the Solidity Audit. Click Here to read the report and Click Here to understand the speech in the report


Soon Inddais will be listed on a leading crypto exchange service. To buy it at a base price of 0.001 BNB/INIS, here are the options:


1) Visit our official website https://inddais.com

2) You have to install MetaMask plugin and some BNB in ​​it

3) To buy tokens visit https://inddais.com/buy and to seed tokens visit https://inddais.com/farm

Please watch this video to find out How to Buy & Plant Inddais tokens


1) Download our official APP from Play Store: Inddais Wallet.

2) Create a New BNB Wallet or Import your existing wallet.

3) Click “Buy INIS”, select the number of tokens you want to buy.

4) The token is transferred to your address immediately after confirmation.

5) Visit the "FARM" tab. Click “Add Seed”, enter the number of tokens you want to seed.

6) Tokens are seeded immediately upon confirmation.

7) Swipe down to refresh and see your BNB result increasing every minute.

* iOS version coming soon

* Inddais wallet is non-custodial, so your private keys don't leave your device.


INIS adds value to your crypto portfolio by delivering impeccable transparency, liquidity and prosperity.

Placed on top of the BNB Chain

INIS is bound by the BEP-20 standard and is in the BNB chain known for its scalability, speed and security.

Transparency Delivered

The underlying smart contract stores all transactions that change state without exception to ensure transparent tokennomics.

Inbuilt Sales Facility

We understand the changing financial cloud, and therefore when needed, you can directly exchange some of your tokens for BNB coins.

Futuristic Implementation

Incentive burning function and top cap mint function will enable us to control inflation or deflation efficiently.

Locked Liquidity

We have restricted access to funds in dividend-holding contracts to yielding agricultural seeds to ensure a fair distribution of profits.

Simple Yield Farm

The profit from a yielding farm is directly proportional to the growing vault balance, the number of tokens seeded, and their duration.

What are Inddais tokens?

Inddais offers the first blockchain-powered investment opportunity of its kind that combines time-based yield farming and liquidity locked vaults in a highly transparent workflow. Inddais also acts as an INIS token which can be paid for by implementing the ERC-1363 standard along with the ERC-20 fundamentals. The immediate BNB generating vault provides an attractive return on your Inddais token investment as long as the tokens remain seeded on our yield farm.

The balance of the BNB vault continues to grow, with automatic credits directly linked to our mining results. Our innovative farming mechanism determines the return per token based on set mathematical parameters. The result calculated based on the total number of tokens seeded by the user is available for withdrawal at any time and is updated every second as soon as the season starts. Yield updates on the farm happen every second. Users can choose to withdraw in full or part of their token seed any time they want.

Selling tokens is not Inddais' main job. We issue tokens to get a financial boost so we can stay ahead of the crypto mining race and make the most of it. However, that doesn't mean we won't get anything without a token sale. And that's why you don't see eye-catching ads or fancy ROI promises here. We are not "GO TO MOON GUYS" and are happy with the steady growth we have at BUMI. So, people who contact me for Marketing or Promotion, please have a clear presentation. But before all that, feel free to visit my website, video presentation, whitepaper, and articles on our sub-reddit. If you feel INDDAIS deserves to be promoted and if you believe you can make a difference in spreading the word, I am open to discussing @amvlive and waiting for GOOD IMPRESSION. If not,

You can transfer your BNB proceeds or Withdraw your featured tokens at any time as you wish. There is no LOCK-IN period.

Once in every 30 days, you can sell 10% of your purchased tokens instantly. This feature is useful for token holders when they need it. Then when you have made sufficient profit from Buying and Investing INDDAIS, and if you are from a country taxing crypto holdings, you can use the incentivized BURN function to erase your INIS holdings and avoid future taxes.

Apart from funding the vault, every aspect of the INDDAIS ECOSYSTEM is backed by blockchain. And with our extensive technology expertise and commitment to what we do, we believe Vault will continue to thrive. Investing in a new project has its own risk factors, no matter what the method is offline, online, or cryptocurrency. Indeed, it is risk taken that pays off in the end and that is why we come across standard disclaimers such as “Subject to market risk”, “don't invest more than what you can afford to lose” or “do your own research before investing”. weak never heed the warning, overly cautious investors see the warning as a red flag and quit, but wise investors understand it as a yellow light and invest only after being satisfied with the information provided. Think about the people who invested $100 in bitcoin a few years ago. It was a huge risk then, but not now. Again, saying this, we do not mean to sell the dream of big profits or guarantee that the value of the Inddais token will also rise to the sky, but still, Inddais also has its own possibility of reaching the top scorer, and no one can deny. he. Any business venture where promises are kept will not have a bottleneck in growth. Think about the people who invested $100 in bitcoin a few years ago. It was a huge risk then, but not now. Again, saying this, we do not mean to sell the dream of big profits or guarantee that the value of the Inddais token will also rise to the sky, but still, Inddais also has its own possibility of reaching the top scorer, and no one can deny. he. Any business venture where promises are kept will not have a bottleneck in growth. Think about the people who invested $100 in bitcoin a few years ago. It was a huge risk then, but not now. Again, saying this, we do not mean to sell the dream of big profits or guarantee that the value of the Inddais token will also rise to the sky, but still, Inddais also has its own possibility of reaching the top scorer, and no one can deny. he. Any business venture where promises are kept will not have a bottleneck in growth. Inddais also has its own possibility to reach the top scorer, and no one can deny. he. Any business venture where promises are kept will not have a bottleneck in growth. Inddais also has its own possibility to reach the top scorer, and no one can deny. he. Any business venture where promises are kept will not have a bottleneck in growth.

With years spent on research, the knowledge and technical assets we have today will no doubt turn Inddais into an enhanced platform for all those who aspire to embark on a stable crypto journey. Your contribution and trust will help us apply our knowledge for mutual growth. The saying goes, “A good cryptocurrency offers endless possibilities” and Inddais is one of them.

dr. Mayilvahanan Arumugam


Dr.  Mayilvahanan Arumugam, is the founder & CEO of Inddais Crypto Ltd, holding a UG degree in computer science, an MBA in finance and a doctorate in Microeconomics. Being an expert coder in all verticals and an economist with the aim of transferring financial self-sufficiency from hypothesis to implementation, his rich knowledge in the subject and balanced business strategy will no doubt propel India towards lasting success and growth.

A decentralized economy is not in conflict with any authority; it is simply an aspiration towards impartial availability.


The Inddais token is the foundation of the INIS ecosystem which is loaded with first-class features such as maximum decentralization, transparency, immunity to inflation or deflation, easy to handle, profitable and even easy to liquidate when needed. The following is a set of rules that control how Inddais tokens work.

For more information

Website:   https://inddais.com/
Whitepaper:   https://inddais.com/Inddais-Whitepaper-v1.pdf
Twitter:   https://twitter.com/inddais
Telegramm:   https://t.me/inddais
Facebook :   https://www.facebook.com/InddaisCoin/
Reddit :   https://www.reddit.com/r/inddais/
Youtube :   https://www.youtube.com/inddais
Mobile App :   https:// play .google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.inddais.wallet
Prüfungen:   https://solidity.finance/audits/INDDAIS/

Username: cob Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1929500

Senin, 15 Agustus 2022


INME RUN, it's an app and game combined into one app where you can earn INME RUN tokens while running and playing


  INME RUN provides many ways for Profit Run to earn, you just need to practice or run to collect tokens. Reward gift holders every 15 minutes just by holding tokens in your wallet. INME RUN is part of the INME Finance product line, where they also have several products such as INME SWAP, INME RUN and INME MART. INME SWAP is a DAPP wallet and decentralized exchange based on the current smart chain network (BSC). With INME SWAP, you can store, send, receive and exchange any tokens or coins without interference from third parties or organizations, which is why it is called decentralization. Decentralization gives you the freedom to carry out all types of transactions without any restrictions or restrictions. INME SWAP DAPP enjoys the lowest fees in the market.

INME SWAP is a secure peer-to-peer cryptocurrency trading platform that allows you to trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other altcoins. -INME SWAP has been designed with security in mind. Your funds are always safe on our platform because all transactions are carried out through smart contracts. -INME SWAP makes it easy for you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies without the hassle of registering on an exchange. -You can start trading today by registering for free on our website.

 INME RUN rewards prize holders every 15 minutes. As an illustration, for example, the position of the holder of 1000 tokens in the marketplace is 1% and the total transaction is 1000USD, meaning that the holder will get 10 USD which is equivalent to 15 tokens from transactions that occurred in the last 15 minutes. As for the Buy competition, it is a wallet created to hold 2% of the total transactions that will be awarded to the highest buyer in BNB INME RUN, for example 100 people buy with INME RUN worth 100USD, total 10,000 in 24 hours, 2% transactions equal tokens worth 300USD is automatically sent to the highest buyer's wallet.

Inme Run is a legendary 2 in 1 app where enthusiastic people can run to earn and play games to earn rewards. You need to know that Inme run is listed on coinmarketcap and coinecko and has also been implemented in pancake swap. For your information, INME team is not limited to announced members like Head of Development, Designer and Head of Translation Department etc. The real and most important team behind our success are unknown soldiers who work day and night behind the scenes, in their quest to achieve our goals. At INME we aim to grow, that's why we seek the best and we support young people because they are innovative and guarantee our future and journey. We would like to thank them for their efforts, loyalty,

Benefits of using INME SWAP

INME SWAP is a revolutionary new financial tool that offers users a number of benefits. First, it allows users to exchange one asset for another without having to go through a traditional exchange. This can save time and money, as well as provide greater flexibility in terms of asset allocation. Second, INME SWAP is designed to be used by both individuals and businesses, making it an ideal solution for a wide range of users.

Lastly, the platform is very user-friendly and provides a number of features that make it easy to monitor and manage assets. As a result, INME SWAP is a powerful new tool that can provide significant advantages for users.

INME SWAP is a secure peer-to-peer cryptocurrency trading platform that allows you to trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other altcoins. -INME SWAP has been designed with security in mind. Your funds are always safe on our platform because all transactions are carried out through smart contracts. -INME SWAP makes it easy for you to buy and sell cryptocurrencies without the hassle of registering on an exchange. -You can start trading today by registering for free on our website.


How to trade cryptocurrencies on the platform

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual token that uses cryptography for security. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not subject to the control of governments or financial institutions. Bitcoin, the first and most famous cryptocurrency, was created in 2009. Cryptocurrencies are traded on decentralized exchanges and can also be used to buy goods and services.

In order to trade cryptocurrencies on inme finance, you must first create an account and deposit funds into your account. Once your account is funded, you can then trade cryptocurrencies by selecting the desired cryptocurrency pairs and executing buy or sell orders. inme finance offers a variety of features and tools that can be used to trade cryptocurrencies, such as advanced charting tools, mobile trading apps and 24/7 customer support.

Auto Staking and Buying Competition

INME RUN rewards the holder every 15 minutes. We cannot provide exact figures regarding the prizes as they depend on the number and number of transactions.

As an illustration, for example, the position of the holder of 1000 tokens in the marketplace is 1% and the total transaction is 1000USD, meaning that the holder will get 10 USD equivalent to 15 tokens from transactions that occurred in the last 15 minutes. In conclusion, after 15 minutes, the holder will have 1015 tokens instead of the 1000 tokens that were held before the 15 minute transaction (AutoStaking).

even the Buy competition, this is a wallet created to hold 2% of the total transaction which will be awarded to the highest buyer in BNB INME RUN, for example, 100 people buy with INME RUN worth 100USD, a total of 10,000 in 24 hours, 2% of the transaction is equivalent to 300USD worth of tokens will be automatically sent to the highest buyer's wallet. These operations can be tracked via our dashboard.

This is achieved by an advanced Reward Mechanism. All token holders receive rewards, every 15 Minutes, and the highest buyer will get 2% and the protocol is supported by Buy Competition Wallet and growth liquidity system.


With INME SWAP, you can store, send, receive and exchange any tokens or coins without any interference from third parties or Organizations, which is why it is called decentralization.

  • Run to get
    INME RUN, it's app and game together in one app where you can earn INME RUN tokens while running and playing.

    INME SWAP is a DAPP wallet and decentralized exchange based on the current smart chain network (BSC).

    INME MART is an NFT marketplace which details will be given later in WHITEPAPER V. 2

As for INME RUN, it is an app and game combined into one app where you can earn INME RUN tokens while running and playing. INME RUN provides many ways to earn profits Run to earn (you just need to play or run to collect tokens) Give rewards to holders (get rewards every 15 minutes just by holding tokens in your wallet)

Increase token value (increase token popularity) Buy a competition wallet (every 24 hours, we have given 3% of each transaction at once and give it to the highest INME RUN buyer) INME MART is an NFT market whose details will be provided later in the WHITE BOOK.

The team is made up of highly experienced developers, DeFi community owners, executives and successful marketers. At INME FINANCE, the trust and safety of investors is our main concern. The founder and team of INME FINANCE are KYC verified with PinkSale and will be verified as soon as possible by Certi.


Buy Tax

Liquidity Growth 2%

2% Buy Competition Wallets and Prizes

2% Marketing & Development

2% Wallet

sales tax

Liquidity Growth 3%

2% Buy Competition Wallets and Prizes

2% Marketing & Development

2% Wallet

Rewards every 15 minutes


Total Supply: 250M


For more information, please visit INME SWAP

WEBSITE:   https://www.inme.finance/

WHITE BOOK   https://whitepaper.inme.finance/ 

TWITTER:   https://twitter.com/INMEFINANCE

TELEGRAM:   https://t.me/INMERUN

Username: cob Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1929500

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2022


 LinkDao forms strategic partnership with ERAX “Launchpad Partner”


What is LinkDao?

LinkDao Network is a DeFi Cross-Chain Liquidity enabling network that allows its users to earn compound interest on their crypto holdings. Through a range of investment strategies secured and enforced by smart contracts, the LinkDao network automatically maximizes user rewards from multiple liquidity pools (LPs), automated market creation projects (AMM), and other yield farming opportunities in the DeFi ecosystem.

LinkDao is one of many Defi platforms that provides staking services and allows users to earn passive income easily.  Here users will be able to participate in vaults where users will later stake their tokens.  And according to LinkDao's strategy, it will automatically increase the number of tokens that users deposit.  Users will be able to see how their tokens in the vault increase automatically.  If the user wants, they can harvest the reward, and it will be automatically sent to the user's wallet.  The rewards that users will get will be according to the number of tokens they bet and according to the amount of interest that LinkDao offers.  The crypto optimization offered by LinkDao is very attractive and flexible,

Through a range of investment strategies secured and enforced by smart contracts, the LinkDao network automatically maximizes user rewards from multiple liquidity pools (LPs), automated market creation projects (AMM), and other yield farming opportunities in the DeFi ecosystem.

The main product offered by the LinkDao network is 'Vaults' where you can stake your crypto tokens.  The investment strategy associated with a particular vault will automatically increase the number of tokens you deposit by combining arbitrary yield farm reward tokens back into the assets you deposited earlier.  Despite the name 'Vault', your funds are never locked in any vault on the LinkDao network: you can always withdraw at any time.

DeFi apps are unique in the sense that they are permissionless and untrustworthy, meaning anyone with a supported wallet can interact with them without the need for a trusted intermediary.  Even if you have funds at stake in the vault, you are still 100% in control of your crypto.



There are many Defi platforms available in the crypto market that users can choose as their Defi platform.  However, of the many Defi platforms out there, not many offer an easy and secure token optimization strategy.  With this token optimization service, users will find it easier to earn passive income without the need to trade, etc.  Users just need to participate in the vault and they will be able to enjoy the APY-appropriate reward benefits offered by the platform.  This way it will make it easier for users to be able to maximize the tokens they hold, especially since this is very easy and can be done by everyone.

The solution

In response to this, LinkDao was launched to become a platform optimizer that will make it easier for users to maximize the tokens they hold.  This will allow users to make more crypto with their crypto by participating in the vault provided.  LinkDao is designed as a unique Defi app in that it will offer users less permissions and an untrustworthy result optimizer service, where anyone can interact with the app using their digital wallet without the need for a third party.  Thus, it will allow users to interact and manage their tokens securely and free of intervention.

Being a results optimizer platform requires LinkDao to have a sound strategy to provide maximum returns to users.  LinkDao has yield optimization strategies from multiple liquidity pools, automated market creation projects, and other yield farming opportunities in the DeFi ecosystem.  A strategy like this will allow LinkDao to get the maximum return, and later it will be distributed to users who participate in the vault according to the number of participations.


What is $LKD?

The $LKD token is a 'dividend-eligible' profit share on the LinkDao network, where the holder earns the profits generated by the LinkDao network and is entitled to vote on important platform decisions.

For all the vaults used in each blockchain, the LinkDao network has a $LKD native governance token at its core.  Platform revenue is generated from a small percentage of all vault profits and is redistributed to those who stake $LKD.

The revenue sharing mechanism requires you to stake $LKD to earn more $LKD in LKD Vault, or earn $ETH, $BNB, $FTM, $MATIC, $AVAX, $HT, $ONE, $CELO, or $MOVR in the pool original bet.

LinkDao is a Decentralized Financial Results Optimizer (DeFi) project, which allows its users to create more crypto with cryptocurrencies.  DeFi apps are unique in the sense that they are permissionless and untrustworthy, meaning anyone with a supported wallet can interact with them without the need for a trusted intermediary.  LinkDao serves its users by making it easy to earn from their crypto capital in a secure and decentralized manner.  Through a series of smart contracts and multiple investment strategies, LinkDao automatically maximizes user rewards from various liquidity pools (LPs), automated market creation projects (AMM), and other yield farming opportunities in the DeFi ecosystem.  This provides a huge advantage over trying to do this manually yourself.

The project consists of a highly skilled team from financial backgrounds, who are directly inspired by the yield optimization projects that have been developed on the Ethereum network.  As a team that has been a part of the crypto world for many years, we are strong "Don't Trust, Verify" supporters.  This is why data like our governance token distribution contracts are open for anyone to verify that everything will work as intended.  We are committed to this radical notion of transparency, which is critical in a nascent ecosystem like Decentralized Finance.

LinkDao offers a simple and intuitive complex strategy for any investor to opt in through vault offers on the platform.  With the inherent advantages of speed and low cost with Binance Smart Chain, the team is exploring new methods for optimizing automation to secure the greatest returns available.  After initial deployment on Binance Smart Chain, LinkDao will later expand to other blockchains such as Huobi Eco Chain (HECO) and Avalanche.

Of all the vaults deployed on each blockchain, LinkDao has the $LKD native governance token at its core.  Platform revenue is generated from a small percentage of all vault profits and is redistributed to those who stake $LKD.  As a decentralized project with an ingrained crypto mindset, there is also a strong governance system to put the decision-making power in the hands of those who are invested in the project with governance mechanisms built around $LKD.

Use of collected funds

The funds raised from the sale will be collected by the LinkDao Network.  The company will use the funds to finance, as appropriate, the costs of human resources, legal, business, marketing, and ongoing software and infrastructure development.  All these steps were taken in good faith and to be able to develop the LinkDao Network as a platform that rewards its contributors in the short and long term.

Features provided by LinkDao

LinkDao with various strategies and advantages it offers has succeeded in providing crypto optimization that can be used by users easily and quickly from anywhere, for example users can easily connect their wallets and start using LinkDao crypto optimization. And not only that, there are some other features of LinkDao:

  • Distribute Earnings Back: users will be able to get rewarded from the profits that LinkDao earns from their investment strategy.
  • Expert Smart Contracts: users don't have to worry about their transactions, as these will be secured using smart contracts developed by experts.
  • Flexible: users will be able to use LinkDao on various supported chains. This is possible because LinkDao supports multichain.
  • Open Source: users will be able to view LinkDao source code and participate in improving LinkDao services.

All these features are presented in a user-friendly and responsive interface designed by professionals. The team from LinkDao worked to build a user-friendly interface for all users. So with this, the crypto optimization offered by LinkDao can be accessed by more people from various backgrounds globally


What makes LinkDao unique?

There are several main reasons why LinkDao is different from many of the Results Optimizers out there today.

1. LinkDao mostly distributes platform earnings back to those who stake $LKD.  With $LKD, you're essentially holding a dividend-eligible 'company' stock.

2. LinkDao has expert smart contract developers and financial advisors who carefully test and review our vaults, investment strategies, new platforms and smart contracts before releasing them to the public.  LinkDao also actively encourages developers to participate and be involved in making LinkDao an even better product.

3. LinkDao is flexible and operates on more than one blockchain.

4. Given sufficient eyeballs, all insects are shallow.  The more source code available for public testing, monitoring, and experimentation, the faster all forms of bugs will be found.  This is the main principle of LinkDao.

5. LinkDao offers a unique strategy that no other results optimizer has.  This includes liquidity pool pairs that you can only find on the LinkDao platform.

Collaboration and Launch

NFTb Launch    is the first NFT Launchpad of its kind created to help projects and content creators accelerate and reduce the risk of launching their NFT projects in a way that is fair to everyone.

NFTb and Spume are committed to working together to develop an attractive NFT ecosystem. In the future, NFT for Spume will be tradable on    the NFTb Gaming Market   .


LinkDao Public Round Token Sale.

LKD Token Sale Details:

Token Sale Date: July 14 at 06:00 UTC

Total Supply: 10,000,000 LKD

General Sale Token Allocation: 666,667.00 LKD (6.66% of total supply)

Total Increase: $500,000.00

Private Round Token Sale Price: $0.75

Mode: First come, first served (FCFS)

Payment Accepted: BUSD.

Maximum Individual Allocation: $25,000.00

Minimum Individual Allocation: $20.00

Venue: Self-hosted

Network: Binance Smart-Chain

Initial Outstanding Market Cap: $412,500.00

Fully Diluted Market Cap: $7,500,000.00

Please note:


LinkDao Network team members WILL NEVER DM YOU FIRST or ask you for money on any platform.  You should be very skeptical of every DM received by anyone claiming to be a member of the LinkDao team

Just trust the official LinkDao Network channel at the bottom of this announcement for information about the token sale

$LKD will not be available until after the token sale is complete.

LKD Token Distribution

What was the previous investor and ecosystem lockdown period?

Use of collected funds

The funds raised from the sale will be collected by the LinkDao Network.  The company will use the funds to finance, as appropriate, the costs of human resources, legal, business, marketing, and ongoing software and infrastructure development.  All these steps were taken in good faith and to be able to develop the LinkDao Network as a platform that rewards its contributors in the short and long term.


LinkDao is made up of professionals and experts in their fields who have years of experience in platform development and in the global crypto market. This team collaborated on designing an optimization platform that would provide maximum rewards to users who participated in it. Users will be able to use the various features available in LinkDao easily and safely, all thanks to a team of professionals dedicated to being able to provide users with a reliable optimization platform.

Token Details

LKD is designed to be a governance token that will provide stability and rewards to participants, as well as a token that will be used for future development of the platform. The advantage of owning this token is that users can earn rewards with these tokens or users can participate in governance platforms. Users can manage all their LKD tokens via a blockchain wallet or any wallet that supports the BEP-20 protocol.

Last words

There are many Defi platforms in the crypto market, but only a few of these platforms can provide optimization services with attractive rewards for users. LinkDao can be a hope for users who are looking for an optimizer platform with attractive rewards. Users only need to participate in the vault provided and later can get rewards according to their participation. LinkDao will use various strategies to be able to provide maximum returns to users and will also use a smart contract system so that all user transactions are completely genuine and cannot be manipulated.


Twitter:    https://twitter.com/LinkdaoN

Telegram group:    https://t.me/linkdao_network

Telegram channel:    https://t.me/linkdaonetwork

Facebook page:    https://facebook.com/linkdaonetwork

Media:    https://medium.com/@linkdaonetwork

Username: cob Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1929500 email: tongkolnyasar@gmail.com Telegram:@tongkol123 bsc wallet 0x9420F6D91dF13a2FD55b674BdEF8bb3Db14AC3f0