Selasa, 30 Oktober 2018


ICO Review – #Usave

Peace to all friends, Everything is in your hands and profits will not make you wait if you look closely at the project. And today I want to offer a promising project. Dear friends, welcome to my blog! Today I will talk about ICO projects that are very unusual and interesting. We will discuss how USAVE applies blockchain technology in a decentralized industry and the development of the crypto community, as well as discuss details about the ICO in detail.
On this site  You can visit the “Team” section and see the profile of each employee on Linkedin, and you can also see the entire Usave team. Here you can consult and analyze as many people’s experiences as you want. 
Selim FENDI – Founder, CEO of 
Hirander MISRA – Co-Founder, Head of Application 
Blockchain Azzedine OUARAB-Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer 
Sami TAVERNA-Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer 
Tony HARROP-Co-Founder, Tech / Business Advisor
For the first time in history, we created an ecological system based on blockchain technology. We can rediscover the gold supply from the mine to the refinery
We provide metals in ecological conditions, store them in safe safes at
Apart from being unjustified, the buyer is also guaranteed by the gold extraction to have been carried out in legal and healthy conditions
  • Track: from mine to consumer, tracked with certain hardware
  • Safe: U.SAVE Ecosystem creates a safe space
  • Market: sure it is invalid from the cleanliness of gold
  • Transparency: thanks to the use of public blockchain, everyone can test and connect the origin of gold
  • Responsible for the environment: we ensure the environment completely, without using dangerous chemical products, but we are also not safe for miners too
  • Exchange: temporary
The Usave Ecosystem is a global solution capable of tracking, protecting and selling green gold using distributed accounting technology (“DLT”), based on the blockchain. In addition, he also explained the benefits for all participants in implementing the DLT for gold mining, processing and trade exchange, as well as for the development and implementation of the plan.
The USAVE ecosystem is a good alternative to current gold production and distribution standards: an environmentally friendly gold supply chain from miners to connected equipment, which records production within the framework of blockchain technology to track and pay fair, physical-gold exchange, which allows access to physical, traceable gold that enables human transformation in the mountain community. 
The first consequence of this new model is the social revolution for industrial, semi-industrial and small-scale mining organizations or workers, their families and communities. This ensures the financial security of small and artisan miners by guaranteeing fair payments for their work and bringing the gold they mine to the legitimate gold mining industry (“gold that is environmentally responsible”) rather than the informal or black economy. This helps industrial and semi-industrial mining companies meet ESG standards and contribute to 
Aurum sustainable development
Aurum Monaco will act as an environmentally responsible processor, Aurum Trade will invest in production contracts with partner mines. Therefore, the Group will be the main supplier of gold that is environmentally responsible in the usave ecosystem. 
Monaco Vault, a modern safe that will protect gold under the control of their strategic partner BRINK with insurance from Lloyd’s of London.
In collaboration with our partners GMEX Group, the leading service provider and exchange technology in the world, a physical gold exchange will be formed; this will provide an effective trading solution for dangerous cryptocurrency. 
The USAVE Token will be a digital asset that connects the entire USAVE ecosystem together and contributes to the continuous improvement of the physical gold market. This will be used as a payment tool only for the USAVE ecosystem among all intermediaries. Usave strives to ensure that the ASave tokens provide a comprehensive solution to balance the cryptocurrency portfolio with real assets. 
See more of this project by watching this video
The platform economy is built around an internal USAVE token. The USAVE Token will be used as a primary payment and exchange tool on the Blockchain to ensure smoother transactions at lower costs for all participants in the value chain.
Detail ICO
Name of USAVE tokens 
Pre-Sale token prices – 1 USAVE = 0.895 € 
Price of General Sales tokens – USAVE 1 = 0.94 € 
SoftCap-5,000,000 EUR 
Hard Cap-130,000,000 EUR 
Currency received – BTC, ETH, LTC , Dash, Doge, fiat
Why do you have to support this project:
Usave Team, of course, all employees work for the company’s interests and are always ready to help in any case. They are always related and not lost from sight. After all, at the moment, when we talk about ICO projects, this fact is very important. 
All prototypes made by the Usave development team are in the public domain, now you can read and try this system. 
The leaders of this project have great experience in doing this kind of business and Usave, will definitely succeed. The following is the project’s professional team:
The leaders of this project have the greatest experience in running such businesses, and Usave will definitely succeed. The following is the project’s professional team:
  • Selim FENDI – Founder, CEO
  • Hirander MISRA – Co-Founder, Head of the Blockchain Application
  • Azzedine OUARAB – Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer
  • Sami TAVERNA – Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer
  • Tony HARROP – Co-Founder, Tech / Business Advisor
  • On this site  You can visit the “Team” section and see the profile of each employee on Linkedin, and you can also see the entire Usave team. Here you can consult and analyze as many people’s experiences as you want.
Usave participated in various crypto, blockchain forums, signed a serious contract. 
After reading this blog, you might have questions. Be sure to ask them at official sources
For More Information Click the Bellows Link:
Purchase to ICO and Token Purchase:
White book:
Username: COB


Ulasan ICO – #Usave

Salam sejahtera pada sahabat semua, Segala sesuatu ada di tangan Anda dan keuntungan tidak akan membuat Anda menunggu jika Anda melihat lebih dekat pada proyek. Dan hari ini saya ingin menawarkan proyek yang menjanjikan. Teman-teman yang terhormat, selamat datang di blog saya! Hari ini saya akan berbicara tentang proyek ICO yang sangat tidak biasa dan menarik. Kami akan membahas bagaimana USAVE menerapkan teknologi blockchain dalam industri terdesentralisasi dan pengembangan komunitas crypto, serta membicarakan detail tentang ICO secara terperinci.
Di situs ini Anda dapat mengunjungi bagian “Tim” dan melihat profil setiap karyawan di Linkedin, dan Anda juga dapat melihat seluruh tim Usave. Di sini Anda dapat berkonsultasi dan menganalisis pengalaman setiap orang sebanyak yang Anda inginkan.
Selim FENDI – Pendiri, CEO
Hirander MISRA – Pendiri Bersama, Kepala Aplikasi
Blockchain Azzedine OUARAB-Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer
Sami TAVERNA-Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer
Tony HARROP-Co-Founder, Tek / Penasihat Bisnis
Untuk pertama kalinya dalam sejarah, Kami menciptakan sistem ekologi berbasis teknologi blockchain. Kami dapat menemukan kembali pasokan emas dari tambang ke kilang
Kami menyediakan logam dalam kondisi ekologi, menyimpannya di brankas yang aman di
Selain tidak bisa dibenarkan, pembeli juga dijamin dengan ecstraksi emas telah dilakukan dalam kondisi hukum dan sehat
  • Lacak: dari tambang ke konsumen, dilacak dengan perangkat keras tertentu
  • Aman: Ekosistem U.SAVE menciptakan ruang aman
  • Pasar: yakin tidak sah dari kebersihan emas
  • Transparansi: berkat penggunaan blockchain publik, semua orang dapat menguji dan menghubungkan asal-usul emas
  • Bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan: kami memastikan lingkungan sepenuhnya, tanpa menggunakan produk kimia yang berbahaya, tetapi kami juga tidak aman bagi para penambang juga
  • Pertukaran: sementara
Ekosistem Usave adalah solusi global yang mampu melacak, melindungi dan menjual emas hijau menggunakan teknologi akuntansi terdistribusi (“DLT”), berdasarkan blockchain. Selain itu, ia juga menjelaskan manfaat bagi semua peserta penerapan DLT untuk penambangan emas, pengolahan dan pertukaran perdagangan, serta untuk pengembangan dan implementasi rencana tersebut.
Ekosistem USAVE adalah alternatif yang bagus untuk standar produksi dan distribusi emas saat ini: rantai pasokan emas yang ramah lingkungan dari para penambang ke peralatan yang terhubung, yang mencatat produksi dalam kerangka teknologi blockchain untuk melacak dan pembayaran yang adil, fisik-emas pertukaran, yang memungkinkan akses ke fisik, emas yang dapat dilacak yang memungkinkan transformasi manusia di komunitas gunung.
Konsekuensi pertama dari model baru ini adalah revolusi sosial untuk organisasi atau pekerja pertambangan industri, semi-industri dan skala kecil, keluarga dan komunitas mereka. Hal ini memastikan keamanan finansial para penambang kecil dan artisan dengan menjamin pembayaran yang adil untuk pekerjaan mereka dan membawa emas yang mereka menambang ke industri pertambangan emas yang sah (“emas yang bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan”) daripada ekonomi informal atau hitam. Ini membantu perusahaan pertambangan industri dan semi-industri memenuhi standar ESG dan berkontribusi untuk
Aurum pembangunan berkelanjutan
Aurum Monaco akan bertindak sebagai pengolah yang bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan, Aurum Trade akan berinvestasi dalam kontrak produksi dengan tambang mitra. Oleh karena itu, Grup akan menjadi pemasok utama dari emas yang bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan dalam ekosistem usave.
Monaco Vault, lemari besi modern yang akan melindungi emas di bawah kendali mitra strategis mereka BRINK dengan asuransi dari Lloyd’s of London.
Bekerjasama dengan mitra kami GMEX Group, penyedia layanan dan teknologi pertukaran terkemuka di dunia, pertukaran emas secara fisik akan dibentuk; ini akan memberikan solusi trading yang efektif untuk cryptocurrency yang berbahaya.
Token USAVE akan menjadi aset digital yang menghubungkan seluruh ekosistem USAVE bersama dan berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan berkelanjutan dari pasar emas fisik. Ini akan digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran hanya pada ekosistem USAVE di antara semua perantara. Usave berusaha untuk memastikan bahwa token ASave menyediakan solusi komprehensif untuk menyeimbangkan portofolio cryptocurrency dengan aset nyata.
Lihat proyek ini lebih banyak dengan menonton video ini
Ekonomi platform dibangun di sekitar token USAVE internal. Token USAVE akan digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran utama dan pertukaran di Blockchain untuk memastikan transaksi lebih lancar dengan biaya lebih rendah untuk semua peserta dalam rantai nilai.
Detail ICO
Nama token USAVE
Harga Pre-Sale token – 1 USAVE = 0,895 €
Harga token Penjualan Umum – USAVE 1 = 0,94 €
SoftCap-5.000.000 EUR
Hard Cap-130,000,000 EUR
Mata uang yang diterima – BTC, ETH, LTC, Dash, Doge, fiat
Mengapa Anda harus mendukung proyek ini:
Tim Usave, tentu saja semua karyawannya bekerja untuk kepentingan perusahaan dan selalu siap membantu dalam hal apa pun. Mereka selalu berhubungan dan tidak hilang dari pandangan. Setelah semua, pada saat ini, ketika kita berbicara tentang proyek ICO, fakta ini sangat penting.
Semua prototipe yang dibuat oleh tim pengembangan Usave berada di domain publik, sekarang Anda dapat membaca dan mencoba sistem ini.
Para pemimpin proyek ini memiliki pengalaman besar dalam melakukan bisnis semacam ini dan Usave, pasti akan berhasil. Berikut ini adalah tim profesional proyek:
Para pemimpin proyek ini memiliki pengalaman terbesar dalam menjalankan bisnis semacam itu, dan Usave pasti akan berhasil. Berikut ini adalah tim profesional proyek:
  • Selim FENDI – Pendiri, CEO
  • Hirander MISRA – Pendiri Bersama, Kepala Aplikasi Blockchain
  • Azzedine OUARAB – Co-Founder, Chief Marketing Officer
  • Sami TAVERNA – Pendiri Bersama, Chief Technology Officer
  • Tony HARROP – Pendiri Bersama, Penasihat Tek / Bisnis
  • Di situs ini Anda dapat mengunjungi bagian “Tim” dan melihat profil setiap karyawan di Linkedin, dan Anda juga dapat melihat seluruh tim Usave. Di sini Anda dapat berkonsultasi dan menganalisis pengalaman setiap orang sebanyak yang Anda inginkan.

Usave berpartisipasi dalam berbagai crypto, blockchain forum, menandatangani kontrak serius.
Setelah membaca blog ini, Anda mungkin akan memiliki pertanyaan. Pastikan untuk bertanya kepada mereka di sumber resmi
Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut Klik Link Bellow:
Pembelian ke ICO dan Token Purchase:
Buku putih:
Username: tongkol

UTILE network

UTILE network

Bring it all together for investment management in cryptocurrency assets

Do you know? 
New investors often face common problems that occur in various financial markets, such as:  
  • Forex
  • Stock market
  • Government bonds 
Now present to you Utile Network. What is Utile Network?
The Utile Network is an infrastructure that allows you to crowdsource blockchain ecosystem data in a transparent environment. This makes it possible to receive awards to produce, add, monitor, and detect valuable information. 
This is a platform, whose main purpose is to build information sharing the community and work together for its own success and overall. This platform provides unrivaled tools for expertise and trade to maximize profits from asset trading. This is a great way to compensate or fill in the blanks. This platform is primarily an investment management and revolutionary strategy through the creation of infrastructure that rewards partners 
The platform is the right place because of its main mission – security. Thanks to a mechanism that allows users to comment on and rate publications as information provided by other users, you can quickly verify the potential for dangerous or incorrect information. Thanks to this, new users who want to know about cryptocurrency can feel safe. The Utile Platform is a secure information center created by users. This is the ability to store, catalog, trace, obtain knowledge in one place. Blockchain technology is developing and developing rapidly – despite the initial stages. Accurate tracking and speculation has the potential to increase the possibility of anticipating where the technology is headed. Utile Network is an effort to better understand blockchain-based creative development and its ecosystem to reduce investment risks. New projects continue to emerge – more or less innovative, which can completely change the world we know. Blockchain is a modern technology in the “first step” phase. We just learned this new technology, whose popularity continues to grow. This solution is completely different from all that has functioned so far and is known in the world of investment. The basic problem that must be resolved by the user is the need to minimize the loss of capital allocated to investment. So, your task is simple – you have to learn it. This solution is completely different from all that has functioned so far and is known in the world of investment. The basic problem that must be resolved by the user is the need to minimize the loss of capital allocated to investment. So, your task is simple – you have to learn it. This solution is completely different from all that has functioned so far and is known in the world of investment. The basic problem that must be resolved by the user is the need to minimize the loss of capital allocated to investment. So, your task is simple – you have to learn it. The basic problem that must be resolved by the user is the need to minimize the loss of capital allocated to investment. So, your task is simple – you have to learn it. The basic problem that must be resolved by the user is the need to minimize the loss of capital allocated to investment. So, your task is simple – you have to learn it. 
It seems that the cryptocurrency market cannot be different from other stock markets, but in reality the difference is very significant. Differences start with assets where deposits are allocated, through market uncertainty, distributing unverified information, ending with exchange rate differences or very large fluctuations.  
 Prizes for contributions to the platform
Publications in the form of market analysis, information examined, presentations, speculations or any creation about blockchain related topics will be assessed by community members and as a result of the evaluation protocol will be eligible for UTL token prizes
Gifts for founders
Utile Tokens will be used as collateral for developing platform content by rewarding founding members 
Means of payment
Tokens will be used as payment media – all activities on the platform will be done using UTL Tokens
Publications in the form of market analysis, information filtering, presentations, speculations or other creative ideas about topics related to blockchain will be evaluated by community members and the results of the protocol. The review will qualify for the UTL Token Award.
Investment advice will be added with bonus tokens depending on return on investment. This platform will determine the current revenue based on information provided previously related to actual asset fluctuations at its lowest point. Users will be allowed to close bonus tokens at any time to collect prizes or wait until the expiration date is validated based on the time period given 



Username: COB 

Bitcoin Air

Bitcoin Air 

Double chain blockchain was developed and cryptocurrency

What is Bitcoin Air?
Bitcoin Air is a new lightweight cryptocurrency dedicated to bringing the mainstream of cryptocurrency adoption to small businesses around the world. Bitcoin Air is the first bilateral blockchain operation to feature two unique operating chains as one!
Bitcoin Air seeks to provide a global solution to many of the main problems faced by traditional emissions, banking and financial systems. By combining the rich and solid Bitcoin feature base, with the Peercoin method that is environmentally friendly and user-friendly, we produce the perfect dual-chain Blockchain that has the ability to maintain stable and volatile values. Bitcoin Air is one step ahead of applying Atomic Swap to eliminate the need for exchange and centralized trading power.
Bitcoin Air is based on the idea that advancing economic growth must do its best to reduce the negative impact in the space that is used to the maximum extent possible. Through the support of the Asset Carbon Credit, and the strategic goal of reducing emissions through routine actions as simple as shopping at your local supermarket, Bitcoin Air plans to create the first environmentally friendly currency, which returns the power of health, wealth and governance back to the consumer world. and merchants.
What coins will you paste? 
Bitcoin Air is a bilateral fork between Bitcoin ($ BTC) and Peercoin ($ PPC). We are discussing if we want to enter Bitcoin Cash into Airdrop too!
Bitcoin Air Bitcoin Air mission is to design and produce the first decent effort in addressing key issues related to cryptocurrency, small business and environmental risks that exist today. By producing Chain Chain Chain-Backed Dual-Chain Carbon First, Bitcoin Air leads in pioneering coercion, scalability and overall benefits of using Blockchain. Combining this technology with the Green Initiative and a reliable way to Support Assets, Bitcoin Air created the first Living Ecosystem dedicated to reducing human footprint, reducing living costs and improving overall quality of life.
Salah satu masalah utama yang menghambat adopsi cryptocurrency adalah ketidakstabilan harga terhadap dolar AS. Teman, keluarga, dan terutama bisnis kecil ragu-ragu untuk menerima cryptocurrency karena takut jatuh nilainya sebelum mereka dapat membelanjakan atau menarik setoran. Bitcoin dan Bitcoin Cash menghasilkan pendekatan yang tepat untuk digunakan, pilihan menakutkan yang dapat mengambil manfaat dari penggunaan cryptocurrency dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Bentuk konsensus saat ini adalah pengaruh negatif terhadap lingkungan dan tidak menghasilkan nilai nyata.
Water Protocol Solution . Utilizing the unique Air Protocol Bitcoin Air technology, users can choose to release their Bitcoin Air value chain, immediately locking the USD value in price with Carbon Credit. We will maintain the USD value of each currency that is burned in USDAP (USD Air Protocol) through a bilateral relationship that will provide support through your Bitcoin Air Chaining action to USDAP. Maintain peace of mind knowing that the value of your Bitcoin Air is protected safely by the Air Protocol.
Throughout our analysis of cryptocurrency, volatility has become the biggest problem at the moment. And this is largely due to market manipulation and aided by low adoption, no regulations, and failed attempts at backup systems. Bitcoin Air will overcome all these problems by ultimately providing a decentralized payment system and a decentralized reserve system that can operate 100% of free and decentralized trust from central forces.
Throughout the constant development there has been extensive brand growth that has led to the final and true vision of Bitcoin Air. Initially this started as an initiative to create the first collateral supported by stable double-chain coins that can give back to the planet through the use of consumer-based trade. This vision has developed into a large-scale partnership that will help create the most flexible and measurable merchant-based payment system derived from cryptocurrency development.

About Bitcoin Air
Bitcoin Air is a new lightweight cryptocurrency dedicated to bringing the mainstream of cryptocurrency adoption to small businesses around the world. Bitcoin Air is the first bilateral blockchain operation to display two unique operating chains as one!
Minimum Worthy Products 
This minimum product demo will display an easy-to-use App Store demo that will give you a feeling of how Bitcoin Air will operate when released. This is not our final product template, also our demo will not be used as a collection of our main features. We will drastically expand this MVP when we receive feedback on how people react to the use and nuances of our demonstrations.
You can take advantage of this demonstration via a tablet, cellular or desktop interface. This will display the basic features that will come to the Bitcoin Water Payment System that will allow several key features to speed up merchant transactions and consumer usage.
The idea behind MVP is to give hands on usage templates for people to collect what will happen before deciding to support Bitcoin Air in an effort to become the largest small business-based stable coin customer.

Road Map
Our team
For more information, please follow the link below  : 
Short Paper:
Trello Board:  https: // trello. com / b / 7YOa4yCk  / bitcoin-air 
Media:  https : //
Username: COB 

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2018



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Используя набор смарт-   ERC721   и токены в сочетании Контракт с Нашей технологией сейчас на сети , намерены управлять мы большинство аспектов и распределенная Автоматизированные процедуры Разработки программного Обеспечения - от методы всех спецификаций товара до гарантий качества и доставка .  При покупке, чтобы показать, как будут функционировать различные части функциональной программы, мы предлагаем примерный рабочий процесс, предложенный ниже.
Соглашение позволяет интеллектуальное нам Эффективно защищать и управлять перезарядкой рабочего процесса как для клиентов , так и для членов системы.  Контракты Wise Используя для управления обязательствами по условному депонированию, мы можем обеспечить покрытие клиентских средств и, таким образом, обеспечить успешную доставку заданий.
В платежах все конечном итоге Мудрое Будет Показать подробный поддерживаться соглашения , чтобы гарантировать, у них что пойти Риск и сбор Обеспечения : их функционирование Naya  платформ сразу построить платы утилизации в стоимости проекта, к Видео Блоги Знакомства Идет : Который процесс сохранения и дальнейший прогресс : самая Платформа .  Платежи за эти расходы происходят по же йорки процедуре , что и для участников транспортировки.
Каждое задание имеет соответствующий Умный договор (Умственное соглашение это Также Содержит раздел Основной солевой механизм для работы более защищенная связь Между приложениях ), который действует как условное депонирование.  В неделе Уборки каждого начало проекта и Клиенты покупатели каждая неделя Уборка на них отправляет Наку-маркерные платежи в Соглашении Wise с индикаторами и разные этапы проект на панели управление Кафедрой : КЛИЕНТ .
Для покупки ПРИ предотвращение сюрпризов в восточной части проекта или на Стадию Разработки : самые КЛИЕНТЫ ОБЫЧНО Задачи последняя версии Предоставляется совместная сборка , которая сразу же выводит отчет о местоположении, который они имеют для показаний.  Клиенты могут отменить прогресс в каждый период, после Этого и средства за Последние Несколько недель исключаются из Мудрого в Виде контракта суммы , и любой лишний период после просмотра (1 неделя), несомненно, возвращается клиенту.  Во время учебного курса заданий, когда достигнуты этапы достижения, и клиенты заявляют о завершении, освобождаются дополнительные средства от Мудрого соглашения.
По завершении задания набор управленческих преимуществ (QA) от сетевого процесса проверяет успешную доставку задания.  После этого проект может быть отправлен клиенту для подтверждения.
Если клиент идентифицирует неотложную проблему после доставки, ставка QA предоставляется  
и предоставляется клиенту взамен.  Проблема после этого для разработчиков в  
сети для ремонта и повторения циклов.  После того, как клиент успешно доставлен, 
оставшиеся средства Smart Smart будут выпущены.
Когда функция запрашивается либо из проекта, либо из другого компонента рабочего процесса, отслеживает Tracker распределяет системные и для Запросы лучших участников структурированных ЗАДАЧ по их соответствующим навыкам и ранжирует при оптимизации затрат .  После определения, смарт - контракт для работы может быть подготовлен с помощью документа спецификации, прикрепленного через ОПЗ (может быть расшифрован только личными интересами клиента).
Это будет содержать детали оплаты и привязки. При покупке, чтобы подтвердить работу, вкладчик должен рисковать количеством жетонов, необходимых, с самой системой, путем внесения его в Договор Мудрости. По завершении работы функция отправки вне сети обычно выполняется путем автоматического тестирования, если это уместно, и выдается для подтверждения вручную через сеть участников.
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Если проблема найдена на известном уровне, задача отклоняется и отправляется обратно первоначальной вкладчику для ремонта.  Есть участников Собирается три попытки восстановления и повторной отправки , и если они не могут ее разрешить, тогда их риск можно отбросить, и задача снова появится в сети.  Сеть заявляет о завершении работы один раз;  токены, оплаченные кошельком, нанятые вкладчиками. Naya

Решение предоставлено переосмысливает, прогресс программного как Обеспечения на аутсорсинг передается и разрушает сектор , который вырастет до более чем 3 триллионов долларов.  Независимо от того, ли он часто использует текущую технологию или существующую работу по развертыванию облака , произведет революцию в Течение всего жизненного цикла заказной программы и места СОЗДАНИЯ в различных настройках .  Этот метод обычно структурирован вокруг двух важных философий:
  • Build - поместите все в коллекцию установки, которая использует автоматизации (AI и стандарты), чтобы делать все, что обычно повторяется, и использует распределенную группу людей, чтобы сосредоточиться на определенных компонентах задач.
  • Operate - запросите комбинацию, значительно оптимизируйте (чтобы создать лучший продукт) и консолидируйте предложение. дает одну зарядку для большинства используемых материалов, будь то микросервисы или облако, включенные в программу.
Запланировали наши мы этап Обсуждение Вопросов и доставка Доверие через отдельный , но связанный с ними уровни.  Наша ИА, ориентированная на человека, концентрируется на всем, что связано с распределением, от стандартов до цен, договоренностей, администрирования задач и доставки последнего предмета.  Наша Naya Trust Система личности Альтернативы генерирует с несколькими заинтересованных сторон после Этого , гарантия доставки, интеллектуальная собственность, защита, качество вопросов и обязательство заинтересованных сторон, устраняя желание доверия, которое не наблюдается в процедуре.
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